
At the moment I am working on my PhD project, in which I am investigating the negotiation of knowledge about sexed/gendered bodies in medicine. I have specialised in the sociology of health and illness as well as in (feminist) science and technology studies (STS), gender studies, especially queer theory, the sociology of the body, and method(ologie)s of qualitative social research. I am a member of the following networks and working groups: European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), European Sociological Association (ESA) (Research Network 16 »Sociology of Health and Medicine«), Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien, Inter_Trans_Wissenschaftsnetzwerk, Netzwerk* sexuelle und geschlechtlichliche Diversität in Gesundheitsforschung und -versorgung (AG Methoden und Methodologien) and Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Gesundheitsforschung (ZIG) Augsburg.

I am currently employed as a research assistant at the Chair of Sociology of Science and Technology at TU Dortmund and am conducting research in the subproject »Digital Body Knowledge. Conflict Lines of Problematic Popularity in Health Care« of the Collaborative Research Center 1472 »Transformations of the Popular« (funded by the German Research Foundation). From October 2016 to August 2023, I worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Chair for Sociology and Health Studies at the University of Augsburg. Before that, I studied sociology at the Universities of Hamburg (title of my bachelor’s thesis: »Essstörungen und soziale Distanz. Zur Stigmatisierung junger Mädchen mit Anorexia nervosa oder Bulimia nervosa am Beispiel der Städte Hamburg und München«), Warsaw and Bielefeld (title of my master’s thesis: »Intime Alltagspraktiken. Das Erlernen einer neuen Körpertechnik am Beispiel der Handhabung von Menstruationstassen«) and worked, among other things, as a student assistant at the Institute for Medical Sociology at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (2009-2012).